Event Calendar

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Reunion Fundraiser
May 28 all-day
Usborne Books Book Fundraiser – End of Campaign
May 31 all-day

Fundraising during the months of April and May 2019

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2019 Dingman Cup Karate Tournament
Jun 1 all-day
Jun 1 all-day

This year, we are proud to be riding Channing Tandem around Winnipeg for CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and are asking for your support in helping us reach our goal of $500!

Kids Fishing For a Cure 2019 @ Selkirk Park
Jun 1 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Kids Fishing For A Cure was founded in 1996 by local Selkirk resident John Harber. John was a volunteer driver for CancerCare Manitoba and on these trips he noticed the many children battling cancer.

John, an avid fisherman, thought “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take these children out fishing and make it a fun day for them”.

John enlisted the help of local outfitters Wally Kostinuik, Bob Check and Jim Hyslop. Together, with the help of their families and friends, the first Kids Fishing for a Cure derby was held in the Selkirk Park.

The derby was a huge success and it was their dream to make this an annual event.

Unfortunately, John passed away in 2000.

In 1999, a new executive was formed with the intent of carrying on to keep this dream alive. Various fundraisers are organized to raise money for the fishing derby, along with the help of sponsors and donations.

We are very fortunate to have a great bunch of volunteers that work with the executive committee to put these events together.

Derby day includes a pancake breakfast, boat operators taking participants out to fish on the Red River, followed by a lunch of hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and treats. We have face painting and visits from various mascots. There is a raffle and silent auction, then the presentation of trophies, medallions and the presentation of a bicycle to the overall derby winner.

The Kids Fishing For A Cure derby is a fun packed day where kids can just be kids. Patients and their families enjoy this special day. Our fishing derby is growing each year!

Kids Fishing For A Cure is a non-profit organization, with net proceeds going to benefit Pediatric Cancer patients.

To date, the Kids Fishing For A Cure o organization has donated over $150,000 in cash and gifts to Children’s Hospital pediatric oncology ward, the playroom at CancerCare Manitoba, as well as the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.

We will continue our efforts to raise money for these children and welcome any new volunteers that wish to join us.

West St Paul Vintage Snowmobile Show & Swap @ Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery
Jun 2 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Montifar/Cabigas Wedding
Jun 4 all-day
Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba Student Fundraiser
Jun 5 all-day
Robert Andrews Builders Club Lunch Sales Program
Jun 5 all-day
École Howden Grade 4 Bake Sale
Jun 6 all-day